One of the objectives of the HeartBIT_4.0 project is to create the Centre of Excellence in Medical Data Science (CEMEDS), defined as a team of competent scientists with new research excellence who are familiar with innovative technology and clinical study development at the state-of-the-art level in the fields of medical Big Data, modern biostatistics, and clinical database technologies, which provides unique worldwide opportunities for processing “smart” data directly acquired from researchers, studies, and medical systems.

As a result of all educational activities conducted during the project, there was a significant knowledge transfer, enabling the WMU to establish such a competent team.

Members of heartBIT’s scientific personnel, as well as some of the staff who attended the courses, are open to helping you with the following areas:  

    • the data that you are collecting and processing;
    • the potential analytic steps and scientific questions that can be proposed and solved using AI/ML;
    • help you to get in touch with our data scientists (former members of the Consortium).

Feel free to contact Agnieszka Siennicka ->  

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