Dissemination and communication

The aims of the Dissemination of the project are:

– To build up the awareness of the project and its development in scientific communities (including experts in cardiology) and key stakeholders;
– To disseminate the scientific achievements that arise from the project (e.g. new concepts and discoveries in medicine that were achieved as a result of the application of new analytical methods to medical data);
– To enable the spread of practical skills acquired during the project within the entire WMU;
– To enable the spread of practical skills acquired during the project among researchers from other academic institutions in Poland;
– To demonstrate all new competences gained by Wroclaw Medical University (in terms of experience related to being a leader of an international consortium as well as in terms of all new scientific skills) to the scientific community and business representatives in order to promote Wroclaw Medical University as a valuable partner for a wide range of cooperation.


Scientific activities related to HeartBIT_4.0 are summarized in the table below (updated: 22nd October 2022)
Author(s) from the current project:
Character of the work
Event name / Journal title
Mariusz BromkePresentation at the congressProfiling of free fatty acids in lymph: a technical advance7th Scientific Conference of Polish Metabolomics SocietyBialystok, 4-6th November 2020
Dariusz Danel, Maciej PondelScientific manuscriptIdentification of risk groups for mental disorders, headache and oral behaviours in adults during the COVID-19 pandemicScientific Reports (2021)
Maciej Pondel, Agnieszka SiennickaPaper for the congressApplication of Machine Learning in medical data analysis illustrated with an example of association rules.25th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
Agnieszka Siennicka, Szymon Urban, Maciej PondelScientific manuscript (potentially also for the congress)The perception of health control in heart failure – how data science may improve the interpretation and potential usefulness of psychological data?Submitted to:
Agnieszka Siennicka, Maciej Pondel, Ryszard ZygałaPresentation at the scientific congress“Machine learning for predicting the occurrence of sympathetic
bursts based on the noninvasive recording of cardiovascular parameters”.
XXVIII Congress of the Polish Physiological Society
Agnieszka Siennicka, Maciej PondelPresentation at the scientific congress (poster)“How data science may support physiological experiments? A
review of examples and possibilities”
XXVIII Congress of the Polish Physiological Society
Agnieszka Siennicka, Szymon Urban, Maciej PondelPresentation at the scientific congress (poster)“Identifying structures of beliefs about health locus of control in patients with heart failure: clustering a”XIV Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Prewencji i Epidemiologii Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego „Kardiologia Prewencyjna 2021 - wytyczne, wątpliwości, gorące tematy”.
Agnieszka SiennickaPresentation at the scientific congress, member of the discussion panelMedTech powered by AIMade in Wrocław
Agnieszka Siennicka, Katarzyna KaczmarPresentation at the scientific congressDescription of the project HeartBIT_4.0 Application of innovative Medical Data Science technologies for heart diseasese-methodology conference 2022
Agnieszka SiennickaPresentation at the scientific congressAI in medicine and health psychology: Identifying variability of structures of beliefs about health locus of control in cardiac patientse-methodology conference 2022
Maciej PondelPresentation at the scientific congressHow to discuss AI with medical scientists and physicians?e-methodology conference 2022
David ChudanPresentation at the scientific congressPUEB´s contribution to the HeartBIT_4.0 projecte-methodology conference 2022
Szymon UrbanPresentation at the scientific congressArtificial Intelligence and new possibilities in cardiovascular researche-methodology conference 2022
Mikołaj BłaziakPresentation at the scientific congressMachine learning in guiding management of heart failure patiente-methodology conference 2022
Szymon UrbanJoint doctorate
(connection of the topics of cardiology and AI)
Clinical and biochemical predictions of pemanent kidney damage or recovery in patients undergoing continuous renal replacement techniquesDoctoral studies started at 2021
Mikołaj BłaziakJoint doctorate
(connection of the topics of cardiology and AI)
Long-term prognosis of patients without significant stenosis of the coronary vessels in functional assessmentDoctoral studies started at 2021
Maciej Pondel, Petr Berka, Agnieszka SiennickaPosition paperTailored interventions in medicine - clustering in medical data.FedCSIS conference
Agnieszka Siennicka, Katarzyna KaczmarPresentation at the scientific congress, co-organization of the conferenceGap in the knowledge of an artificial intelligence in health - survey resultsAi in Health Conference 2022
Agnieszka Siennicka, Maciej Pondel, Szymon UrbanPanel during a scientific conference“Artificial intelligence and the development of cardiology in Poland - first steps”26th International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society
Szymon Urban, Mikołaj Błaziak, Agnieszka Siennicka, Maciej Pondel, Petr Berka, Piotr PonikowskiScientific PaperNovel Phenotyping for Acute Heart Failure-Unsupervised Machine
Learning-Based Approach
Biomedicines journal
Aleksandra Jastrzebska, Gabrielle Saden, Brygida Knysz, Maciej Pondel, Agnieszka SiennickaScientific PaperThe relationship between knowledge about the pandemic and willingness to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 in medical students in Poland- Cross-sectional surveyFrontiers in Public Health

Communication activities are listed here (updated: 22nd October 2022)

Audience reached (estimated)
30th January 2020Interview TVP Wroclaw dr Agnieszka Siennicka (WMU) and dr inż. Maciej Pondel (WUEB)~1000
31st January 2020 10:30 amInterview in Radio Gra dr Agnieszka Siennicka (WMU) and dr inż. Maciej Pondel (WUEB)~1000
2nd July 2020Regions4Permed Conference Joanna Gruchot (WMU) presentation116
29th February 2020Project social media: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube~1000
10th October 2020HeartBIT_4.0 presentation at Innovation Festiwal dr Agnieszka Siennicka (WMU), dr inż. Maciej Pondel (WUEB), prof. Karol Kozak (TUD), dr Dariusz Danel (PAN): Video30
17th February 2021Presentation at Machine Learning School For Business Schools - Tomasz Kliegr (VSE)
12th March 2021AI in Medicine - online conference organized by HeartBIT_4.0 consortium - all partners presented + guests from outside: Videos from the conference250
8th June 2021Conference AI in Healthcare720
2022Member of the AI in Healthcare Coalition100
14th June 2022AI in Healthcare Conference450
22nd September 2022HeartBIT_4.0 presentation at 26th International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society~1000

Please see the opening video from the Internal Wroclaw Medical University Conference regarding AI w Medicine by the Head of the Project prof. dr hab. Piotr Ponikowski (in Polish):

Below the video from Innvation Festival 2020 where you can hear more about the project: