This is how Mateusz Lickindorf, student of medicine, describes a visit to Prague:
I consider the visit as part of the HeartBit_4.0 project to the partner university – the University of Economics in Prague as a valuable experience and a signpost for scientific work in the field of Data Science applications in medicine.
I especially liked the structure and layout of the trip, we started with participating in courses introducing the theoretical foundations of machine learning concepts together with students, and in the following days we move on to more intimate and personalized meetings with academics.
Already with data analysis experience, I was positively surprised to be introduced directly to useful and commonly used data analysis techniques – we used programs such as DataMiner and BigML to underpin this type of analysis in the scientific community around the world. In addition to getting to know how to use them, I also gained perspectives for further development – learning to use this software not only on tabular data, but also on image data (which has great potential in the context of medical imaging).
In conclusion, I am very pleased with the trip and I am grateful for the opportunity to participate.
See the pictures from the visit