Work Packages

Work packages are separated into 3 broad categories: WP 1-4 for the knowledge transfer, WP 5 for dissemination and WP6 for management.

Work Package 1: Training in Machine Learning Fundamentals:

In this WP, WUEB will provide a training on Data Science and Machine Learning fundamentals. The training will include methodological aspects of data exploration, Machine Learning techniques (available Machine Learning algorithms, software packages, analytical environments) and examples of applications in science and business as well as foundations related to data security and privacy issues in Big Data. All of these activities will serve as the basis for further elements of the whole training

WUEB will organise theoretical lectures, practical laboratories (during which the well-established solutions used for various types of data will be presented) as well as practical workshops during which the established solutions will be applied to new type of data (e.g. medical data). The teaching process will be supported by appropriate infrastructure (e.g. software, cloud environments, programming suites). The training effects will be supervised by the WUEB experts involved in the project. All educational materials and events will be saved and/or recorded for further dissemination.

Work Package 2: Training in Machine Learning in biomedicine (e.g. cardiology, neurology);

In this WP, TUD (supported by Fraunhofer Infrastructure) will be responsible for a practical training in the implementation of the Machine Learning techniques in biomedicine. The training will focus on real applications of the Machine Learning in clinical research and in evidence-based medicine. Additionally, knowledge on the infrastructural aspects of the medical Big Data as well as the training on clinical research data management will be provided

TUD will organise a training course based on teaching and knowledge sharing including various techniques, such as lectures, group work, workshops, shadowing and study visits. Study visits will include research visits for post-docs from WMU in Excellence Partners’ facilities. Education will be supported by adequate infrastructure (e.g. electronic health records, cloud computing and health information exchanges). The TUD staff will prepare educational materials for both the workshop and lectures. The projects carried out by the post-docs during research visits will be concluded with the preparation of scientific publications as well as reports from exchange visits.

Work Package 3: Databases, Machine Learning and Big Data Architectures and Concepts.

In this WP, UL, having a substantial expertise in Database science, will be responsible for training in the field of designing and implementation of modern database approaches for Machine Learning problems in the Big Data context, applied later on to the domains of life sciences and medicine.

UL will organise open lectures and workshops carried out with the use of both non-medical and medical data. Moreover, scientists (post-docs) from WMU will be invited to carry out independent scientific projects during scientific internships. These activities will include also a preparation of scientific papers submitted to selected journals. Each teaching activity will require specific educational materials which will be prepared by the staff of the University of Leipzig to be presented during the lectures/workshops.

Work Package 4: Methodological aspects of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

In this WP, UEP will take care of the awareness and knowledge of various methodological aspects of data mining and knowledge discovery from databases. Their training will cover the issues related to data preparation and how to select methods which will be suitable e.g. for predictions or cloud-based Machine Learning as well as the issues related to formalisation of domain knowledge, applying formalised knowledge for analytical questions to be solved.

UEP planned lectures and workshops carried out in Wroclaw. What is more, scientists from WMU will be invited for short-time scientific exchange visits which will take place in Prague. Each activity will be supported by educational materials which will be used for further dissemination of knowledge.