The consortium combines the expertise of 5 partners from 3 different neighbouring European countries: Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. Excellence partners (UL, WUEB, TUD and UEP) have competencies which Wroclaw Medical University is aspiring to acquire during HeartBIT_4.0 project. The excellence of the partners results from:
– The cooperation with the top European and worldwide recognised hospitals in the field of e-Health, Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Trials, Medical Data Management;
– Expertise in communication and dissemination related to various aspects of data mining, including particular data mining methods;
– The cooperation with Scads and Infai (multidisciplinary Big Data research centres);
– The cooperation with the specialised group on IT systems for Health in its R&D lab at the Fraunhofer – the largest applied research Institution in Europe with recognised experience in the management of large national and international projects and the leadership position in the German and Swiss healthcare markets;
– Collaboration with one of the most competitive groups of biomedical engineering (Infai at UL) in the application of new methods of biomedical signal processing and algorithms for the early risk falls detection management and new observational study approaches;
At the same time, the Department of Heart Diseases at WMU has substantial excellence in medical publishing. This ensures efficient dissemination of the HeartBIT_4.0 outcomes. The WMU’s experience in healthcare and cardiology is complementary to the excellence of the partners. Thus, transfer of knowledge within the consortium will be bidirectional. This is also a guarantee of a well-balanced consortium. A detailed list of competences of each of the consortium partners is presented in the table below:
Competencies | |||||
Big Data | |||||
Deep Learning | |||||
Data mining methodologies | |||||
Machine Learning algorithms | |||||
Evidence-Based Medicine | |||||
Medical Data Management | |||||
User Needs elicitation | |||||
Knowledge Management Systems | |||||
Knowledge-based systems | |||||
Biomedical and behavioural modelling | |||||
Biomedical and behavioural algorithms | |||||
System integration and validation | |||||
Medical IT Infrastructure | |||||
IT Development | |||||
Scientific research and Study Design | |||||
Standard clinical trials | |||||
Scientific publications | |||||
Healthcare management | |||||
Legal and Ethical Issues | |||||
Project Management | |||||
Dissemination Activities | |||||
Exploitation and Innovation | |||||
Communication |
Consortium Partners

Wroclaw Medical University (WMU): the Coordinator:
Wroclaw Medical University (WMU) is one of the biggest medical universities in Poland.
It is the largest centre for education and clinical and scientific research in the south-west of Poland. The WMU actively participates in all projects for the advances in science, entrepreneurship, technological innovation, both with public authorities, local governments, and enterprises. The WMU has over 20 international agreements of co-operation signed with other universities abroad. The university is involved in the national and international research and educational programs: COST, ERASMUS, Leonardo da Vinci, the 5th, 6th, 7th Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, 3rd Health Programme EU and others.
The university is a partner of many leading companies and business clusters, such as the Wroclaw Research Centre EIT +, the Wroclaw Medical Science and the Technology Park, the e-Health Cluster, the University Centre for Technology Transfer, the Cluster “Knowledge and Innovation Community for Information and Communication Technologies”, the Consortium – Wroclaw Institute of Public Health. Although the WMU has no technical character, it has obtained about 500 patents for inventions, including several in European countries. In 2002 Wroclaw Medical University achieved ISO 9001 certification. WMU has received the ISO 9001 certificate as the first medical university in Poland.
The Department of Heart Diseases of WMU has an extensive experience in designing and conducting research projects and multinational studies, and is widely recognized for its’ expertise in the field of heart failure. The Department has specialized structures and qualified staff responsible for project management and assisting with commercialization of generated intellectual property.

The Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Excellence partner
The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) has been founded in 1828 and became a full university in 1990. Today about 32,000 students are studying in 18 faculties. The university is member of TU9, a consortium of the nine leading German Universities of Technology. TUD is one of the eleven German universities which succeeded in the Excellence Initiative in 2012, thus getting the title of a “University of Excellence”.
The University Hospital Dresden and the Faculty of Medicine Dresden form a joint institution that is committed to excellence in state-of- the-art medicine, medical research, teaching and health services for patients throughout the region. Our faculty is achieving a goal of developing an internationally recognized academic medical centre by having excellent facilities and highly, dedicated staff. Each year, 57,000 patients receive state-of-the-art medical treatment. With 1,400 in-patient beds and 95 out-patient facilities we offer the whole range of medical service to highest quality standards. Our staff of 1,000 doctors and 2,000 nurses is committed to excellent service and care. The overall aim of our employees is to understand the needs of every single patient committed to our hospital. We encourage our employees to constant learning and further education. With our close bonds to the University of Technology Dresden we are able to create an atmosphere of research, learning and teaching. Furthermore we have a constant exchange of ideas and thoughts between partners such as the Max-Planck-Institute and the BIOTEC-BioInnovationCenter. Within our hospital we created centres of competence for the treatment of cancer, pain and vascular disease to meet the requirements of an interdisciplinary approach.

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (WUEB), Excellence partner:
Department of Information Systems, Institute of Economic Informatics, Faculty of Management Wroclaw University of Economics and Business is ranked among the top economic schools of higher education in Poland, and an important centre of science and research. Its activities are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the position of the university on regional, national and international levels, improving competitive advantage, and shaping its image of a modern institution, open and friendly to its employees, students, and the environment.
The current faculty and department division of the University is a consequence of the existence of scientific schools at our University which can boast a long tradition and successes on a national and international scale. These schools are the basis of research in a specific subject and they form theoretical foundations for the development of science at our University. Numerous talented Polish economists created their owns schools, and their work is currently being continued by our researchers.

Leipzig University (UL), Excellence partner
Institute of Applied Informatics, Information Systems Institute, Faculty of Economics, Leipzig University Database Group, Computer Science Institute, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
As the second-oldest university in Germany, it covers the entire spectrum from all basic natural sciences, through economics and computer sciences to law and medicine with a wide range of undergraduate and (PhD/Post-doc)- programs and interdisciplinary teaching , with modern equipment , with one of the largest university libraries in Europe at its disposal as well. With more than 20 employees from the participating institutes of Leipzig University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science Institute, Database Group and Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Institute of Applied Informatics, Information Systems Institute have many years of experience and competence in national and international projects in several different fields of science and technology. These include the key areas of Database Theory, Big Data Architecture, Machine Learning Algorithms and Cloud Infrastructures, which was applied, for example to the domains of logistics, medicine and smart energy.

Prague University of Economics and Business, (VŠE/ UEP), Excellence partner
Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE), founded in 1953, is the biggest public university of economics in the Czech Republic. VŠE has six faculties offering applicants a broad spectrum of bachelor, master, PhD and MBA study programs. Five faculties are located in the center of Prague – the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics and the Faculty of Economics. The Faculty of Management is located in the town of Jindřichův Hradec. Studies at VŠE meet the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
The university is highly appraised both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The Faculty of Business Administration is EQUIS accredited, which ranks the faculty among the top 1% of business schools in the world. Two master’s degree programs „International Business – Central European Business Realities“ and „Mezinárodní obchod“ (taught at the Faculty of International Relations) were certified with EPAS accreditation by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development). The “Master in Official Statistics” program (taught at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics) received the accreditation EMOS (European Master in Official Statistics) by the ESSC (European Statistical System Committee) . International MBA program is accredited by the association FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) and by CAMBAS (The Czech Association of MBA Schools), which is a member organization of EQUAL – European Quality Link by EFMD. The Faculty of Finance and Accounting received the accreditation from the professional body ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).
In August, 2018, the Initial Accreditation Committee of AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accepted the Initial Self Evaluation Report, thus allowing VŠE to enter the core part of accreditation process.
VŠE is ranked by the Financial Times annually and has already been appraised for several years by the Eduniversal Ranking project as one of the best “business schools” in Central and Eastern Europe.
VŠE is successful within international cooperation. The university currently cooperates with more than 250 partner universities worldwide. There are approximately 1 000 outgoing students annually with an even higher number of foreign students accepted from abroad. VŠE is a member of numerous international organizations and networks such as the international strategic alliance CEMS (Global Alliance in Management Education) and PIM (Partnership in International Management).
VŠE is also a member of the PRME Initiative (Principles for Responsible Management Education). The PRME Initiative is the first organized relationship between the United Nations and management-related academic institutions, business schools, and universities.